The first Apple II computers went on sale on June 10, 1977 with a MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor running at 1 MHz, 4 KB of RAM, an audio cassette interface for loading programs and storing data, and the Integer BASIC programming language built into the ROMs. The video controller displayed 40 columns by 24 lines of monochrome, upper-case-only (the original character set matches ASCII characters 0x20 to 0x5F) text on the screen, with NTSC composite video output suitable for display on a TV monitor, or on a regular TV set by way of a separate RF modulator. The original retail price of the computer was US$1298 (with 4 kB of RAM) and US$2638 (with the maximum 48 kB of RAM). To reflect the computer's character cell color graphics capability, the Apple logo on the casing was represented using rainbow stripes, which remained a part of Apple's corporate logo until early 1998. Wozniak's open design and the Apple II's multiple expansion slots permitted a wide variety of third-party devices, including Apple II peripheral cards such as serial controllers, display controllers, memory boards, hard disks, networking components, and realtime clocks. Eventually, Apple II accelerator cards were created to double or quadruple the computer's speed. An estimated 40,000 machines were sold during its production run.
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Introduced | April 1977 |
Discontinued | June 1979 |
Order Number | A2S0016 (16 KB memory) A2S0032 (32 KB memory) A2S0048 (48 KB memory) |
Initial Price | $1,298 (with 4 KB memory) $2,638 (with 48 KB memory) |
Support Status | Obsolete |
Colors | Beige |
Weight and Dimensions | 11.5 lbs., 4.25" H x 15.25" W x 18" D |
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Processor | MOS Technology 6502 |
Processor Speed | 1 MHz |
Architecture | 8-bit |
Number of Cores | 1 |
System Bus | 1 MHz |
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Storage | None |
Media | Optional Cassette Interface or Disk II floppy drive |
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Keyboard | Built-in 52-key uppercase keyboard |
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Original OS | Apple DOS 3.1 after June 1978 |
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Languages in Memory | Apple Integer BASIC |
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Memory and Graphics
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Built-in Memory | None |
Maximum Memory | 48 KB |
Memory Slots | 24 sockets in 3 rows for 16-pin 4 KB (4096, 2104 type) or 16 KB (4116, 2116 type) modules |
Minimum Speed | 350 ns |
Language Memory (ROM) | 8 KB |
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Display Connection | 1 - RCA for composite video output |
External Resolution | 280 x 192 (6 colors) or 40 x 48 (16 colors) |
Text Display | 40 characters per row, 24 rows |
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Connections and Expansion
Cassette | 1 - in, 1 - out at 1500 bps |
Game | 1 - internal 16-pin GAME I/O |
Display | 1 - RCA for composite video output |
Audio Out | 1 - Built-in 8 ohm speaker |
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Slots | 8 - 50-pin Apple II peripheral |
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Line Voltage | 110 or 110/220V AC |